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75" 30-35cc Edge 540 ARF





New for 2023 this Edge has been gone through and worked with sensible upgrades that actually make sense. Check out the carbon fiber deck of the canopy. Some of the trays, formers, and runners are carbon fiber and/or laminate. New wing and canopy lock sysytem. Over all fusealage is stuffer and sockets make for a better horizontal stabaliser fit making it much easier to square the airframe. SFG's and optional wing tips are included.


75" 30-35cc Edge 540


Wing Span: 75.2"(1910mm)

Length: 67.7"(1720mm)

Wing Area: 1021sq in(65.9sq dm)

Kit Weight: 5.5 lbs - 6.3 lbs (2500g - 2900g)


Gas Power:28-40cc gas  EME35 - DLE 30/35 - NGH 35cc

Electric Power

DUSKY XM6350EA-12 with 8S 3700-4400mAh 18x10 prop

DUSKY XM6360EA 184KV 12S 3300-4400mAh 20x10 prop

G30cc Or other 2600-3000Watt electric motor


3" Spinner

Latest Structure Awesome Quality

Easy building

Complete with accessories

Low wing loading

Light weight construction with high structural strength

Excellent aerobatics and 3D performance

Hardware includes:

        Fiberglass horns

        Ball linkage control system 

        One piece Carbon fiber landing gear

        Advanced rubber wheels 

         SFG's and optional wing tips included

Two pieces removable wings 

Aerofoil tail wings 

Carbon fiber wing tube

Carbon fiber tail wheel assembly

Carbon Support Stringers

Fixed ring inside cowling for easy build

Pre-Drilled but not glued hinges

Single or dual elevator servo set up

Powered by Electric Glow or Gasoline







75" 30-35cc Edge 540 (Blue)

Only $489.00

Parts and more photos at bottom of page




75" 30-35cc Edge 540 (Red)

Only $489.00

Parts and more photos at bottom of page


Shipping info: If you want to pursue your own shipping, send a label from your account, or verify our shipping costs box is 55" x 19" x 11". Billable shipping weight is 16 pounds, ships from 80103. We do suggest shipping insured... just in case.


Spare Parts


Red Scheme Parts


75" Edge 540 (Red)


In Stock



75" Edge 540 (Red)


In Stock


Main Gear

75" Edge 540 (Red)


In Stock


Tail Wheel Assembly

75" Edge 540 (Red)


In Stock



Need parts: sales@milehighrc.com

Blue Scheme Parts


75" Edge 540 (Blue)


In Stock



75" Edge 540 (Blue)


In Stock


Main Gear

75" Edge 540 (Blue)


In Stock


Tail Wheel Assembly

75" Edge 540 (Blue)


In Stock



User Submitted Photos

Edge 540Edge 540

30cc Edge35cc Edge 540 

Edge 540



All Products are guaranteed to be free from manufactures defects and operate as stated. Please take advantage of our guarantee if you have any problems. We also like to know how our products stack up and how you like them, so after use please drop us a line with your flight impressions. The more we know the more we can help the next guy.

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