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65" 20cc Profile Edge 540



20cc Airplane DLE 20 20cc ARF

Profile 20cc 3d plane ARF for dle 20

DLE20r dle20ra learn 3d flying

Ultimate 3D airplane profile arf learn to hover

  Profile ARF 20cc yak 3d trainer



Check out the newly improved 20cc profile. Based on one of the most popular airframes to aid in learning 3D flight, the profiles are just a blast. Enjoy this plane while mastering the hover, knife edge, waterfalls, tail slides, etc..

This plane is made to bash, spin, and twist, all the maneuvers that eventually become hard on airframes. Airframe is now improved with carbon laminate at servo mount points, at motor mount, at component trays, and down the length of the fuselage. Turns out the added stiffness really helps stiffen the fuse.

Like wise access and assembly have been made easier. The two piece wing system is much quicker to install, access hatches have spring latches rather then screws, and the horizontal stabilizer keys to the fuselage rather then being pushed through from the side for a much easier build.

We are excited to bring this updated profile to those who like to fly hard and thump the sticks while still staying in a realistic budget.



Wing span: 65''/1655mm

Wing area: 54.69sq.dm

Length: 61.7''/1568mm

Flying Weight: Approx. 6.5 - 7 Lbs.

Engine: 20cc

Includes a firewall for electric options



Suggested Equipment:

This airframe matched well with any rail mount enigne in the 20cc-26cc range

DLE 20, DLE 20RA, and NGH 25 are all good options

For electric a good 2100 watt set up on 6S

Servos of approx. 220-280 oz/in are a good choice R25 or B5S are good options

If your going to run a spinner a 2 1/2" or 3" look good out front





20cc edge 250

Ugraded 65" 20cc Profile Edge - Red on Center

$349.00  Only $289.00

20cc ARF

Ugraded 65" 20cc Profile Edge - Black on Center

$349.00    Only $289.00

$65.00 Flat Rate shipping to lower 48 states. - Local Pick up by appointment (free).

International customers drop us a line for shipping quote



All Products are guaranteed to be free from manufactures defects and operate as stated. Please take advantage of our guarantee if you have any problems. We also like to know how our products stack up and how you like them, so after use please drop us a line with your flight impressions. The more we know the more we can help the next guy.

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