Welcome to the Mile
High RC link Page.
This page is in need of a serious update!!!
Feel free to send us your
links. Sales@milehighrc.com

Local clubs -
Mile Hi RC
Here are some sights with free plans.
Most I have not built. But The foamies that I have built seem to fly
very well.
General Plane Plans - Mostly Balsa stuff
Electric Plane Plans - Good selection of Decent Planes
Another Jet -
Some of these are nice
Park Jets - Some nice jets, some with video.
Pylon Racer - Even has a link for a video. Looks fun.
RC Groups - Just about any free plan can be found on RC Groups.
Not to mention the help, and hints that
are available on RC Groups.
Other Stuff
FMS - A ton of planes to use on the FMS flight simulator.
Crash - Jets are cool. But what happens if you fly into a power
Crash - Just where did that hill come from?
Crash - Perfect nose in landing..
Crash - Another nose in..
Crash - This one is rumored to have cost $35,000
Scale - Flying at the race track
Us Navy Drill Team - Check it out (not RC related).